Trying to conceive after the depo provera

Me and my husband have been trying to conceive for 13 months now. I came off the depo pro vera in May 2017 after 7 years. We've used OPKs to track ovulation and have had clear positive LH surges around cycle day 19. I've had a regular cycle for the last 9 months and they each last approximately 32 days. I visited the doctor to check if everything was ok. I had my bloods done and they found around day 21 my progesterone was 6.7 and have therefore referred us to our infertility clinic. My husband has given a sperm sample and we are waiting on the results of that. I have also had my cervical smear test this week and awaiting on if there's any concerns there. The earliest appointment at our infertility clinic was August and it feels like a lifetime away.

I've felt so stressed about the whole situation for the past few months. Every day has revolved around seeing on sticks and timing sex for my most fertile days.

I never thought at 25 and 30 we would even been faced with these difficulties. Since we had the news it has weirdly felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My husband reassures me that we have done everything we can ourselves and it's time to take the helping hand. So this month and the foreseeable we are going to actually live our life and have fun. No more planned sex and rushing home to pee on a stick. Just actual time to remember why we fell in love and focus on strengthening our marriage. After all, our team begins with us.