What did that mean??


My cousin died five years ago, it really messed me up and I miss him a lot and think about him often but I rarely dream about him but Saturday night i had a dream about him after me and my aunt were talking about him. Nothing too weird I just cried and told him how much I missed him but then Sunday night I had another dream about him and I was crying because I missed him so much and he looked at me and he said “Autumn, it’s okay. You can come with me, I can take you with me. It’s okay it’ll be okay.” And my ex-boyfriends mother showed up (her son and I had just broken up earlier that day.) she looked at my cousin and then told me “Autumn, you can’t go yet. You’re not ready..what would this do to Cody?” (Cody is her son and my ex.) It was so weird.. What do you guys think that meant?