Really crazy dream!

So have you ever been in Disney world at night time? There’s like this ambiance about it, the same feel my dream had. So now that you know that I’ll tell he rest. I was with my friends at an amusement park, and it was so vivid and amazing and I remember really enjoying myself in the dream. I can recall how it felt to go in this rollercoaster it was crazy. So this man in a purple velvet suit walked up to us and asked us if we wanted to see some ghosts. I said yes and “I love ghosts”. So he took us to his ballroom which was lovely and waved his wand and these flutterey blue and purple, glowing figures started to swirl around the ceiling. It was mesmerizing. And the after that he brought us dresses and gifts. I had a white dress and I ate candy and danced. It was fun.