Giving birth to a lion


So last night I dreamed I was having a baby (I'm not pregnant in real life). I was in my bed at home and my mom was asleep next to me while i was having my baby. So finally I push the thing out and its a little lion cub. Then i started breast feeding the lion! Later on in the dream my baby lion turned into a fish. The fish got sick so we ended up at the hospital and they hooked up my baby fish to a bunch of tubes. At some point I got back home and my baby fish turned into a bird, that I breast fed and then back to the lion cub. Fast forward my lion grows up to be huge and people are trying to steal him away from me. Then my boyfriend woke me up so I dont know what happened to my lion lol. I thought it was a very funny dream to share and if anyone has any interpretation, I would love to hear it.