Loosing hope


I had spotting last week(7weeks) and my obgyn told me to goto the ER. They found a subchrorionic hematoma, the ultrasound showed the embryonic sac, but no heartbeat. The spotting wasn’t on my underwear just when I wiped and it lasted two days off and on. My first scheduled ultrasound was a week away and my HGC levels were where they were supposed to be so the they recommended waiting till the scheduled appointment to rule out if I had a miscarriage or not. Today at my appointment there was still no heartbeat. They retested my HGC and the dr. Said maybe we got our dates wrong and your earlier that we thought hence the no heart beat. I’ve never had a miscarriage before so I don’t know what I’m looking for other than bleeding. But is it heavy bleeding? Like an actual period or die it vary from person to person. I really wish they could just tell me if I in fact did miscarry my dr is on vacation, so even thou the results come in the next day, I have to wait till July 2nd when he comes back.