discouraged so late


I want to have a vbac so much, I am set for a home birth now even and now I'm overwhelmed by the fact that this kid won't engage, won't drop, won't come now 41+1

I had 4+ hours of contractions ending about 4 am yesterday, was dialated to a 5 when my midwife said bye and get some rest.... have had about 5-6 light contractions since yeah over 24 hours. even going pee I don't even feel pregnant, no pressure, no trickle, just normal as if he has moved back to my rib cage.

I've tried about everything to help, heck I think I'm in better shape than I have been in years, all the squats etc. been doing like 100 situps a day even. I work for myself, and have not been working for a few weeks now figured if I start something then he will come so I best not start anything till he comes and I start healing... I just want to cry I don't think he will ever come on his own. I will be 42 weeks next Tuesday. this kid is spose to be a June baby! so hurry up already. 😒😭😒😭