Just gonna appreciate my husband for a sec...

Sandra • 🖤 Married 10/8/17 💜 Baby #1 born 10/1/18 🖤 Angel Baby 2/8/20 💜

So since I’ve been pregnant (25 weeks now) I’ve been super lazy. I mean, i do work full time, I’m a preschool teacher, and now I do summer camp with 5 year olds with field trips and everything...so...by the time I get home, I’m DONE! Let me tell you, This guy has been so great, cooking and grocery shopping, picking up my weird cravings every night, like, for real, it’s amazing. The apartment is a mess and he doesn’t give me crap about it, and let’s me come home from work and rest while he cooks dinner. I love being married to this man. 💜