I'm overwhelmed need support


honestly my husband overwhelmed and depressed about not being able to fully provide for me and his child in my womb he worries he's depressed he thinks I'm mad at him I'm not I understand a background he had due to a spiteful ex giving him a false record in Texas screwed up his life and he hates how it follows credit and all he tried to make a living but keep a roof over our heads instead and buying little food bothers him he eats less so that I can eat it hurts to know he's do depressed and overwhelmed tryibgbto make a living to provide for us It makes me cry that he's malnurtised just to keep up with my health and safety I know it's a good thing but I don't want him dying or unhealthy when the child comes I just worry so much he said well get a head he just needs time I'm fine this post is about my husband