Do I tell my husband now??

So my husband has been super stressed with work lately, with no day off for a month straight. And usually when he’s stressed he gets distant. Like I’ll try to hug him and he’ll say something like “leave me alone I’m tired and stressed.” I used to get offended with that until I realized that’s just his way of coping with stress and he doesn’t mean it personally. Like after one day off and sleeping in, he’s usually like a completely different and happy person.

Usually I just stand by his side and try to give him space and try to avoid much conversation during his high-stress work days.


I just got my first BFP a few days ago. I’ve been trying to figure out ways to surprise him or tell him but I’m just obsessing with it being the perfect time that I keep delaying it :/ I’ve been dreaming of the ways to surprise my future husband with a pregnancy way before i even was in a relationship lol

I Also was trying to make sure first that it sticks and I’m not hallucinating.

But now I’m so perplexed. Do I tell him now anyways and hope it makes his stress go away from hopefully being happy? Or do I wait till that day off or a seemingly less stressful day.

What would you do?