First time mom, felt like I’d done it before.

Bree • At home mommy of a lil hoomin and 3 fur babies. 👨‍👩‍👧🤱🏻🐈🐈🐈

On June 14, I woke up at 4:30 am having contractions. After 15 minutes, I grabbed my phone to time them and they were roughly 5 minutes apart. I woke up my husband and called my midwife. This is our first baby and the contractions weren’t painful, I was just very aware of them (I have a high pain tolerance). Around 4:48, on the phone with my midwife, my water broke. We immediately got up and started grabbing our things. I called my mom who lives upstairs and told her we had to get to the hospital. While my family was panicking, I was actually very calm. I even made corn dogs for breakfast. Lol

We got to the hospital between 5:30 am and 6:00 am. I kept apologizing to my husband because every time I had a contraction, I thought I was peeing. The nurse asked me later if I was still losing water during contractions later so it was nice to know it wasn’t pee. We got settled in and they told me I was already dilated to 5 and within the first hour, I was 9+. This was about the time I asked for the epidural. I was against it in the beginning but one contraction alone almost left me shaking in tears so I gritted my teeth and took it. Then around 10 am, they said I should be ready to push but our little lady of the hour was face up! I had to lay with a peanut shaped ball for HOURS trying to get her to change positions but nothing. Then at 5:00 pm, they said I can push and hopefully she will turn down. 19 minutes later, my little girl was here. It honestly was way easier and less scary than I thought and I wanted to share with you guys. If anyone has any fears or nervousness, it’s ok. Your body knows what it’s doing and you’ve got this!