Getting Screwed Over? update!!!

Morgan • HMW 03-13-2019 👑

So I decided to babysit for someone I used to work with for the summer. It was more to help her with her kids than it was for us for money. But it's the principal of the thing...Long story short I think she's trying to screw me over.

1. She was paying me Mondays, I have yet to be paid for this week. She said she'd get it to me Friday when she gets paid again because all the sudden her child support didn't come through.

2. I get told today by the dad that he's taking a vacation starting tomorrow and they suddenly won't need me for two weeks. This is the first I'm hearing about it.

And 3. Everytime I confront her about the situation she tells me "Oh I wouldn't screw you over. This is a job to you just like my job is a job to me."

Just seems to me that everything is just too coincidental.

What do you ladies think? 🙄🤔

I sent her this


I did get the money she owed me, however she shorted me $50 and told me that's all she was giving me. So I told her after her husband is done with his 2 week vacation then she needs to find another sitter, she reponded "that's just fine with me." I told her I had nothing more to say and blocked her number. I realized a few days ago her kids car seat is still in my back seat. She can't contact me and doesn't know where I live so she's just gonna have to buy another one. And I just don't even care how petty that sounds. She screwed me, lady karma is a bitch. 🤷‍♀️