
I just recently started a new job that’s closer to home and my pay is more. Where as I was working almost an hour home before. It’s my second week and I HATE it. I am so, so miserable. My manager is rude. Her and the other girl I work with will either talk to me like I’m supposed to know everything already or they talk to me like I’m stupid. They’ve done little to no training and get upset at me because I’m not comfortable making outbound calls to our customers yet. When they DO train me, it just doesn’t click. I’m just not getting it as quick as I usually click with other jobs. I’ve tried talking to everyone I can about it and I just get told “it’ll get better” and I really just don’t think it will. But I don’t know what to do. I can’t just quit. My fiancé’s sister got me the job and I don’t want her to look bad. Especially since I’m pregnant now but I also can’t keep working at a job that makes me so miserable every day. What’s your advice?!