No judgement please!

I'm literally going crazy trying to make some money! I've applied and continue to apply to every job I can! whether it's in my area or 30 miles away! I've tried selling some of my stuff but I haven't made enough money yet, Honestly I just need some quick money to pay for my upcoming bills, I'm so desperate that I saw this post talking about selling used underwear so I tried it and still nothingggg like what else can I do?! please help guys any quick money that doesn't involve stripping (not that there's anything wrong with it it's just not for me) being a web cam girl or escorting would be very much appreciated! I just need something fast for now until I hear back from the few places where I actually have gotten an interview for, I've turned to where I thought I could and sadly I haven't had any help but that's okay because at the end of the day my bills isn't anybody else's responsibilities. So if any of you guys have any ideas please comment or message me!