Pregnancy or ovulation side effects?


Hubby worked a 10hr shift yesterday, so by the time he got home from work he was beat. I decided as a easy fix for dinner we would order pizza, and ordered a meal we've had before.

Last night at 10pm we tried to BD but my husband was too tired that we didn't 😢

Right afterwards my stomach felt a little uneasy which I noticed that the last time we BD. Mind you I have NEVER felt this uneasiness before using the same position.

Fast forward to 11pm, I tell my husband that my stomach hurts where when I lay on my side I feel nauseous. I sit on the edge of the bed thinking it should pass. So I walk to the kitchen to get a drink of water, and within seconds of me pouring my glass I vomit in our kitchen sink.

My menstrual cycle ended June 20th and we've BD on CD7 CD10 and CD11. I'm NOT 100% positive if I have already ovulated, but I did begin OPK testing on CD10 - CD12 yesterday, and all 3 OPK tests were negative.

Glow/Ovia app both say that my ovulation day isn't scheduled until June 30th, which I know those apps aren't 100% correct.

I have to wait until after 2pm today to pick up my OPK test strips/pregnancy tests from Amazon.