I wanna scream at the top my lungs.UPDATE

SO of 3 years has a 5 year old son from previous relationship. today he broke a glass table and cut his foot open. he ended up at the hospital and got 8 stitches total. I had to sit off to the side and watch him say mommy and not be a part of it. I've helped raise this kid more then her surprisingly. well fast forward to later and I guess her grandma who she lives with and with the son part time. got into a fight. she comes back to my SO parents house where we all were. got money from my SO dad and then proceeded to have a private conversation with my SO outside. then I get home from work later and my SO tells me that his parents might be letting her stay in a room at their house. I just wanna fucking scream. my SO and I are ttc and I'm already stressed as it is. she got knocked up by lying to him 6 years ago and also doing drugs behind his back. which is why they split. don't get me wrong I trust my SO 100 percent. the problem is his parents. I just so offended. all they ever do is bring her up and it's all about her. I HATE them. I try so hard to be nice and they always talk down to me. not to mention she was so absorbed with her own social life that instead of taking her 5 year old on his first summer trip. she went on one for herself and never even notified us . I don't understand why some of the worst people get pregnant so easily. I just wanna scream and cry and ughhhhh. sorry just needed to rant before I blew a fuse

EDIT. OK I see ALOT of people saying oh why would you want him to go homeless. I left out a few details. my SO and I have our own house with a room just for the son. My SO and baby mama have gone to court. she has violated pretty much every agreement and techniqually would be in jail right now if we go back to court. she has yet to change the birth certificate name and she's had over a year to provide a living environment for her and her son. she did not do so. she lives with her boyfriend where her son is not aloud because she'd rather smoke weed then provide a good living environment. ontop of that she didn't even raise him. At the time he was born My SO was a truck driver. when he came back the boy was about 1. he had a test done to make sure it was part his baby because she had also cheated on him. she had refused to take baby to a Dr because she didn't believe in it. he got very very sick and almost died. she left him in a crib 1aml day long crying and it ALWAYS end3d up with either her grandparents. my SO or his grandparents stepping in. so YES I have issues with her because she didn't do her job raising him. I've taken care of him since he was almost 2. I love him to death. and I don't have a problem with him calling his mom mommy. I understand it. but from a step parent ttc prespective. yes it kills me to watch. especially knowing that she has ALWAYS put herself before him. and that i love him so much and do so much for him. she spends her time out at bars drinking and smoking on nights that she should be spending with her son. Another thing is that we have him 4.5 days out of the week now so she has plenty of other days to have alone time. so please stop with the hate mail. I was trying to vent because as of now I haven't had to be around her. I don't need to run into her for every family dinner. I can handle a few dinners here and there but that's not the point.