irritating MIL

Wren • Wife💍 mama to 2 angels 7/10/18 + 10/20/21👼 Celeste 11/18/22 💕

So I'm pregnant and I had planned a big all inclusive announcement for our families other than our parents who already knew I was pregnant. but no now instead of me being able to announce this myself my MIL decided to make an announcement on her Facebook without asking me if I was ok with it. my family that knows had asked and is waiting for the ok to announce but she decided she doesn't need to ask she can just do it because "they didn't ask my permission to make me a grandma" (if you have seen my other post this is the same lady who told us cps was going to take our child because her son didn't graduate) she's getting so irritating I'm so close to looking at my (soon to be) hubby and telling him she isn't going to see the baby or have any kind of contact with my child.