dear b

i hope you know that ur the real reason i have trust issues. you used me for things that i would have NEVER thought about doing before i met you. yet, you being the older, hot guy that i always dreamed of having, i fell into ur trap. in some way i did this to myself, not running a background check on u before going in. however, you had no right to use me and then throw me away like i’m some type of tissue. it’s been 2 months, but i still haven’t recovered from the pain u put me through. not only that, but u told people from school about what happened. i’m lucky that i’m never going back there ever again, but it could have been avoided by u CLOSING UR DAMN MOUTH. i guess i never really wanted u, but rather wanted the idea of u. the idea that someone will be there for me, someone way hotter than me, and someone genuinely rlly nice. u made it seem like u cared, by listening to me rant about my ex boyfriend who used me as well. little did i know u were going to do the exact same thing that he did, maybe even worse. i hope that one day u will realize ur mistake, and dm me on instagram praying for my forgiveness. but for now i want u to know that i will never recover from this. i hope ur happy, b.