Argument -edit

*** edit***

I decided instead of leaving for the night I would cook his favourite meal and maybe we could talk rationally over dinner.

He flat out refused to eat anything and has now gone to bed.

I’m not even going to bother trying for the rest of the day. *****

My husband and I keep arguing lately but today he has really really hurt my feelings and I don’t want to be home. I’m considering staying in a hotel for the night because I’m just really upset.

I don’t want to go to family or friends because I value our relationship not to slag it off to everyone the moment we fall out.

I want to post here first because I’m 7 months pregnant and my hormones are in overdrive, so I’m not sure if it’s me that is the issue.

Basically we bought a house, started doing it up and nearly finished it but I fell pregnant. My husband has all the niggly bits left to do like put door knobs on (he’s lost all of the parts), change the broken tap in the bathroom that no one can use, put a door knob on the bathroom door- if you close it you’ll get stuck, change the curtain poles in our bedroom, paint the utility room and build the baby furniture. Basically some of this i can do but he will not let me so our house is currently upside down because I’ve got nowhere to keep the babies things until the furniture is built. It is currently just in boxes in my living room and has been for the last 3 months. All of the other jobs have been on the to do list for 7 months- so today I woke up in a panic that we are not ready and we’ve got loads to do and I’m freaking out because I don’t know how much longer I’ve got mobile before I 100% can’t help. I had a full on melt down, i wasn’t very nice but I didn’t blame him for not doing it I just cried hysterically because we’re not ready and I’m freaking out.

He basically reacts by shouting at me and telling me I’m just like my mother (Who mentally abused me and my family when I was younger) and that i should try and find someone else better than him. He stormed out and didn’t come back for hours.

In the meantime I started to clean our house, out things where they should be to make myself feel better.

He came home- did not speak 1 word to me and sat watching tv. By this point I had a shower and decided to go and do the food shopping. We’ve literally not done this properly for about 3 weeks because he will not let me go on my own but is not willing to do it himself, so I thought that’s it I’m not eating crap and take aways anymore I am going food shopping.

I came home, he gritted his teeth at me and called me a selfish cunt for going shopping because I’m 7 months pregnant and should not be doing it on my own.

I only had 4 bags of shopping and they were not heavy. He continues to shout at me telling me how much of a selfish irresponsible mother I am and that I should just get out of his sight.

I’m currently sat in my bedroom crying and I don’t know if I should leave or not.

I’m so upset. He’s not usually like this and he’s really mad and won’t even talk to me.

I don’t want to leave him I just feel maybe a night apart will do us both good but I’m worried it will make it worse?

I don’t plan on leaving him over an argument I just feel like sometimes I don’t know if it’s me or him because the moment a pregnant person is upset it’s because of her hormones. That’s almost been drummed into me to the point I feel like I’m going mad.

I love him so much I just feel as though sometimes he doesn’t see my point in anything and just flips. When he gets like that there is no point in even trying to talk to him because it just makes it worse.