How would you feel?


my brother has been living with us until he gets his life together. I’ve been nice enough to let him use my car but it’s a brand new car so literally anytime he takes it my anxiety goes through the roof. He doesn’t have such a good track record and I’m trying to look past it and help him. Well He’s supposed to be going to work in the car but when he brought it back both my driver and passenger seat were all the way back. So someone else was in the car. when I let him take it the next day I reset all the timers so I could see how long he’s actually spending in the car and how many miles he drove total. Well turns out he spent 3 hours and 30 minutes just sitting in the car but only went 40 miles. So I feel like went and picked up a friend and they just sat in the car smoking. Which makes me livid, I have two kids and we don’t smoke so my car is smoke free. Now the other night I told him to let me know when he gets ready to come home so we can let him in since we just changed the locks and he hasn’t made a new key. Well he took it upon himself to just leave my back door open to get in and out. Today I asked him how he got in and he said the back door. He left my door unlocked for two days straight. So I Went off and told him that could’ve went and made a key the day he had my key ring driving my car and that he knows better than to be leaving my house unlocked. I’m so fed up with him I’m ready to throw him out, but I can’t tell if just my paranoia or pregnancy hormones. I can’t talk to anyone in my family because they’re all biased and think I should bend over backwards to help him.