bad husband or no?

my husband never spend time w my kids or i. well, he does play w the boys from here to there. but most of the time, hed just be in our room, on his phone 24/7, and plays music outside, very loud. he said hea doing it on purpose cause he hates our neighbors and they always make noise in the morn and night, so hes kind of paying back. he also drinks beer every day and night, he never skip a day of no beer. he never have anything good to say, but always complain and yell about life and work. oh and he checks out other women a lot online and in public w me there. idk, im having second thoughts of being w him cause hes not being a good role model to our kids. yeah, he provides for us, and makes sure we all get what we need. but still, im not liking his lifestyle out of work. he never spend time w us, when we do go do something together, hes always annoyed, and always yell at us.