Having trust issues?!?!

I been dating my baby’s father for 2 years and some months , not so long ago we were in good places but he had to ruined it he was texting with his ex baby momma about he missed her missed there relationship and I confronted them both and there response was we just friends ?!?!!

But I still stayed bc I try fixing stuff with him so my daughter could have a dad ... now we been living together for about 6 months maybe... and nothing feels the same I feel like I’m in this toxic place and I just feel so confused and depressed not just bc of what happen , but I was pregnant and I was scared to tell him why bc are daughter is 1 yr old .... I told him and he kept telling me I was lying about it so he could stay ... that I did it on purpose multiple times he told me it was over but then he didn’t let me leave ... he took my car for few days he didn’t come home I couldn’t leave bc I didn’t have no one to stayed at the moment no support from my family .. when he came back we talked it out but then we would bring up the option to abortion that he would pay ect ... I told him no once again I didn’t leave bc I had no where to go ... I got a job so I could save up and leave bc he kept changing up his mind about it and telling me hurtful stuff i lost the baby at 3 months pregnant for stressing, depression, not eating well ... he stayed home with me while I was going thru this ... then it seem he was changing for the better but he msg one of the girls he meet a while back ... and kept searching up one of his ex at this moment I feel like I’m worthless like he wants something better like I know I’m not as pretty as before and I have lost self confidence bc of some things he has said to me ... idk if I’m over reacting or if I should let go and move on I’m scared to brake my daughter heart bc she loves her dad Idk if I’m making the right choice...