Don’t know how to feel about this question!

My bf and I (well idk if he my man or not) been together for like 3 years. We have a 1yo girl and I’m 35 weeks pregnant with a boy ! He’s a good father and everything like that but idk it’s like lately he just seems lost and confused about what he wants to do ! All he does is distant himself and call and check up on us when he wants! I try to be understanding cause I know he works two jobs, so I know he be tired but idk I feel like it’s something going on that he just don’t want me to know I can be wrong but idk ! So I ask him like a month and a half ago what’s going on and he say he just need to get his self together and do what he got to do ! I’m like okay no problem. Then recently I had a talk with him to try and get him to tell me what’s wrong but he won’t talk and keeps saying nothings wrong which I don’t believe at all! But he asked me did I try to get pregnant again on purpose ! And I’m like wtf , what type of question is that ! I don’t know how to feel about that question! I mean how would y’all feel ? It kinda makes me feel like he don’t want the baby but idk ! Can someone just tell me how would you react to that ? Or is it just nothing like don’t worry about it?