trying for #2

a bit of a back story

my husband and I have a wonderful 17 month old who I love to peices. He is my miracle baby after battling cervical cancer for 4 years.

We were trying for a few months before I got pregnant and ultimately lost the pregnancy 6 weeks in. I went to the doctor and we did my yearly pap and found that I had abnormal cells which he learned after a few biopsies that it was cancer. I had several surgeries and procedures done and we were cleared to try again after 4 long painful years. I got pregnant right away and lost that pregnancy as well. one month later we got pregnant with my son.

3 months ago my husband and I talked and agreed about starting to try for #2 at the end of july. last week he told me that is not going to happen because he wants to wait for another 5 years now. I am totally heart broke. I was looking forward to having another little one soon or at least trying. now he is mad at me for feeling upset and thinks it's just stupid for me to be hurting.

any advice?