Hospital bag/ post partum

Natalie • 22, Married & mother to my beautiful Ayva Raylynn.. Pregnant with baby #2 :) baby dust to all of you beautiful ladies!

Ladies I’m curious to know what you’ve got packed in your hospital bag. I’m due July 16 with my baby boy. To be quite honest I don’t remember what I packed in my first pregnancy with my daughter.

I had an emergency csection last time around, but I am shooting for a vbac this time.

Any suggestions? I’m on a budget and I’m trying to use what I already have. The only thing I’ve splurged on is nursing bras. 🙌🏻 I didn’t know underwire was a thing in nursing bras last time LOL so I wore sports nursing bras and I always had a uni boob😂🤦🏻‍♀️ so ofcourse I went to buy several nice comfy bras.

So far I only have my nipple cream, bras, granny panties, pads, tucks medicated pads (I honestly don’t know what I’ll use them🤷🏻‍♀️ for or how to use them. I just read that a lot of women use them and that they’re really useful?) witch hazel, and Tylenol. What am I missing???