I keep having nightmares about it...

My boyfriend and I at the time were hiking in the woods when we had an idea to have sex in restroom for hikers so we got in the building and started foreplay and then he put it in (with condom and I’m on birth control) it wasn’t my first time but it was extremely painful I told him to be a little more gentle but at this point all I could hear was him moaning. I’m not very assertive when it comes to sex so I just bared through it he wanted me to switch positions and I stopped and cried that I can’t he grabbed my hips and forced it in and went even harder I tried not to cry because I didn’t want to make him feel bad and finally I got up and yelled at him to stop and I grabbed all of my clothes and started putting them on while he tried to coax me into doing it again saying that he’d be more gentle or saying things like baby I love you it’s fine you’re just over reacting and I just left and called a friend to pick us up after that I broke up with him because the condom broke there was only pre but I was really scared and ended up telling my mom and we bought pregnancy tests fortunately all ended up being negative and I knew for a fact he was a virgin before hand but he got really mad and called me dramatic for thinking I could be pregnant and said that “you wouldn’t even ever be able to carry and give birth to a child if You wanted to” (he knows about several of my conditions that will make me possibly never be able to have a kid and he knows I’m really sensitive about it) he also told all of his friends that I was trying to keep him in a relationship with a fake pregnancy test when the truth was the last thing I wanted in my life was him... I still have nightmares about whatever guy I meet raping me. I’m not sure if it’s considered rape or not but it felt like it... I haven’t told anyone this many details or how I felt about it. I haven’t pressed charges because before the incident we were dating for a few months and he was very supportive, complimented me, and took care of me when I was sick. His life hasn’t been great from the start but he had always been good to me. So I don’t want to hurt him.