Help ugh bf problems

Ilana • ❤🥀

So my man has had just like a blah day and like allllllllll day he’s been pissed and short with me. So then I’ve just been deciding do ignore his messages on and off until he wants to come back happier becuase he is an only child and he just knows basically to do his own thing. But...

The one thing that pisses me off is like seeing him active on social media and not talking to me. Thats the thing that pisses me off so much. I know he wouldn’t ever hurt me and cheat on me. Man doesn’t have the balls to do that lmaooo.

But you never know. He could. I hate seeing him active on messenger and if I ask him if he would ever talk to another girl he gets so mad because he thinks it sounds like I don’t trust him. Like okay whatever. Idfk im so ughhhhh I need help. I keep over thinking. I think...

Am I over thinking??

All I do is over think.