20 weeks

Dejah • A.K.W 🌸

Currently 20 weeks and just found out I’m having a babygirl! I had a an ultrasound done at 19 weeks for my gender reveal and all the technician kept saying was “she’s so low” “she’s head down” “she’s so low I can’t see her face” and I didn’t think much of it. This morning, now almost two weeks later, I had another appointment. Had an ultrasound done and the tech said the same exact thing. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this and if it’s normal. The techs weren’t able to give me any feed back because they aren’t the doctor. Also, the first US was done in South Carolina and the second one this morning was done in North Carolina, so they weren’t done in the same place, yet they said the same thing. Why is she so low?