Wanting to start life early, ADVICE PLEASE

So I’m 17, going to be a senior next year and am in running start, so I attend college full time and will get my AA degree while I graduate high school. It’s summer and I’ve been working at a daycare 9-4, I want nothing more but to be independent. I currently live with my dad, I have for the past 4 years because my mother is a great woman, who just makes bad decisions. My dad didn’t ask me to move in, or to really be a father so I understand why living in his household as is, there’s no love. I barely talk to him or his girlfriend, and there always gone so I practically am living alone. I hate the environment because I’m treated terribly when I am spoken to, and I’m really really depressed. Being busy with work and school makes me happy, I want to, In September when I turn 18, starting my senior year in high school, rent a small 350 sq ft apartment for about 675 a month. I’d be working part time while managing college. Everyone says to be as kid as long as you can, but I’ve always been alone and just want to live my own life. I want advice or for someone not to tell me I’m crazy trying to move on.