Ugh,pregnancy insomnia

Crystal • Mom to three(14 and 11 year Autistic twins),expecting number 4 in December 2018,and stepmom to two(14 and 14).

I woke nauseous and needing to pee like crazy(who says the urgent pee slows in the second trimester,LIARS!).I tried scrolling the FaceBook,counting sheep and reading through Glow posts.Then,I'm starving...and all that sounds good is a tomato sandwhich.I grew up spending all my free time with my grandparents,who grew up dirt poor.My PaPa would toast wheat bread, spread mayonnaise on it and slice fresh beefsteak tomatoes thickly,layer them onto mayonnaise toast,sprinkle with black pepper and salt.So I am sitting in bed now,eating my sandwich watching National Treasure,and missing my sleep.