Pregnant or just totally off cycle for the first time in months


Hey ladies! So my period is 4 days late today. I’ve been early every month for a while until now so I can never really tell when I’m ovulating unless I test since my dates are all screwy. Anyway I was due 4 days ago and nothing. I have had some watery discharge and cramping but nothings coming. I did have a really light bladder the last two weeks and all I did was go pee not buts basically back to normal. I took a test day one and yesterday but both were negative. When should I test again? My cycles are only 3-4 days to begin with and usually light to mild. This would be the pregnancy I’ve been waiting for after miscarrying two years ago which happened a few weeks after I found out and was also negative at 4 weeks when I got my gall bladder out according to the hospital but two weeks later I got a positive. So I’m a little on edge