How do I tell my sisters?


We just found out that I'm pregnant with number 2 and we couldn't be happier BUT I'm not sure how to tell my sisters. Two of my sisters have been struggling with fertility for some time now. One, who has PCOS, has had several miscarriages after 8 weeks and many more failed <a href="">IUI</a> treatments. The other, cannot get pregnant the traditional way because her husband has motility issues (essentially the sperm don't have tails and the few that do don't move) and have already had several failed

<a href="">IUI</a> treatments. My husband and I on the other hand weren't even trying (our girl is 15 months) so I can't help but feel guilty. I know they will be happy for us but I also know how hard it can be on the otherside of the fertility coin. *EDITED* I should add that both sisters live on opposite sides of the country from us so unfortunately speaking to them in person isn't an option. 😔