

So I am 32 wks as of yesterday and I have a scheduled induction for the week of aug 20-26 (depending when they can get me in, I’ll be 39 wks) this is baby #4 and I’ve had this happen with my other pregnancies but this time it just feels different. I have been leaking fluids (not my water, just fluids/discharge) for about 3 wks now and went to the OBs and they said everything checked out and nothing seems, from their point, out of wack... but I’m still leaking... and now i just don’t feel right.. with my other 3 girls this didn’t happen till I was like 36/37 wks prego so having it happen this early kinda freaked me out. Anyone else have this happen? Baby looks great (measuring 3 wks ahead 🤦🏼‍♀️) but I just feel off right now..