8 weeks and I’m DYING


Now I know I shouldn’t complain, HOWEVER. I must say I definitely underestimated pregnancy. I pride myself on knowing my body especially being in the medical field but MY GOD. Whose alien body am I living in.

I’m nauseous 24/7. Like so nauseous to the point where I can’t get out of bed. I hate vomiting so I spend the majority of my day deep breathing and eating small snacks to keep my stomach at ease but sometimes it isn’t enough.

I’ve never been so constipated in my life. Prune juice is my new best friend and still isn’t doing anything for me 😩 just went to CVS for some colace.

I’m so tired all day that a simple grocery store trip makes me feel like I ran 10 miles. I nap at least once a day (which I never used to do). Probably partly due to my insomnia at about 3AM every night.

The acne. I’m back to puberty days.

Sciatica. Back pain so bad that sometimes I’m limping to my every 20 minute pee break.

Since I had a miscarriage in April, I am grateful that I’m feeling anything at all & I know it’s a sign of a healthy pregnancy but Jesus. I’m a very active & busy person so being so debilitated is really killing me.

On a more positive note! Our next appt is in two days and we’re so excited to see baby 💕 bless us women for all that we do! 🙌🏽