Ovulation test, HELP!

Emily • 25. Paramedic/CPhT. TTC baby #1.

Ladies, I need your help. I’ve NEVER gotten such a BLAZING positive LH test before, and I’m currently stuck at work until 8am (I’m a paramedic, working 24 hour shifts). I have PCOS and have been TTC for 4 months now.

I’ve been temping via OvuSense, and my temp hasn’t jumped just yet, but I had a big dip this morning so I feel like its coming.

So my questions are;

1. How long do I have from getting this positive until I should ovulate? I’m not on any normal ovulation cramps, or EWCM. I was ok 50mg of Clomid last month, and now am on Metformin & 100mg of Clomid this month.

2. Should I BD tomorrow morning, or will I be okay until tomorrow evening? We last BD’d Sunday night, and are trying to “conserve” because my husband just found out he has a low sperm count.

Any and alllll advice/answers will be appreciated 😊