Frustrated after two miscarriages

Can someone offer some advice?? I just turned 39... no kids yet. I had a miscarriage in December at 8 weeks... my doc chalked it up to bad luck ... she said to wait one cycle and we tried again... so we tried again and got pregnant three months later ... had another miscarriage at 6 weeks 4 days on 4/13, after we’d seen a healthy heartbeat at 6 weeks. Anyway my idiot obgyn again said it was bad luck and didn’t even say to do testing!! But then I asked for it , I refused to just wait for it to happen again. So I started seeing an RE in April right after ... I did an hsg which was normal, did hormone testing but my estradiol was high so we are repeating it.. all my cycles after my first miscarriage returned normally and I also ovulated normally (I used OPKs) and this is what allowed me to get pregnant again so quickly. Well, now with the second miscarriage it seems my cycle is all screwed up and I’m very upset sad and frustrated. I got my first cycle after the second miscarriage on the 25th day. My cycle was always 25 days on the dot which I was happy about. After that one I got my next one at 35 days ... now today is the 17th day since my last cycle at 35 days... and I noticed some pinkish brown spotting and blood in toilet im pretty sure I’m getting it ... so now I’m getting it a week earlier than I used to get it and last month it was 10 days late. What is going on with my body!?? I had two miscarriages and two d&cs; all within four months I feel like my body and hormones are all messed up. How can we start to try again if everything is out of whack?? I got pregnant so easily but both times couldn’t sustain them. I’m just praying and praying things start to normalize so we can hopefully get some answers and we get our rainbow baby. I’m scared of what the future holds. With my age I’m afraid I’ll never get the chance again. Can anyone share some stories of what having a second miscarriage was like for them and were there cycles messed up for a few cycles afterwards?? Thank you!!