I’m Done! 07-03-2018.

I’m done fussing. I’m done wasting all this money on pregnancy tests just for them to be Negative!!!! I’m done playing “Ring Around the Rosy”! Done!!!!!

I have had 3 miscarriages in a row and not a single successful pregnancy!!!!

Been trying & trying & trying for almost 2 years!!

2 YEARS!!!!! I know lots of you have gone longer, but I used to be a damn FERTILE MRYTLE!!!!!! Why the fuck am I suddenly so infertile?!?!?!?

Getting pregnant used to be so easy for me. I used to get pregnant so easily!!! EASILY!!!!!

Then my SO keeps changing his mind about a baby but doesn’t want to use condoms, and I don’t either because I’m allergic. I even can’t use the non-latex ones! So agitated!!!!


Anyone else?!