A lot is going on need some advice!!

Jolanda • Sidney Henry IV 💙 10/10/10 Quentin Amaru Henry 💙11/23/11 Kobe Navorro Henry💙 4/26/16 Baby #4 due 9/3/18

So here is what’s happening....

Braxton Hicks


Pelvic pain and pressure

Constipation (feeling like it’s right there but nothing 🙄)


Light heartburn

I’m 31&1 and I just got my progesterone shot today but have never had these side effects to I’m kind of stuck. I don’t wanna go to L&D; because last tine I went I was admitted and spent 4 days in there with them stopping labor plus I’m not having contractions like last time. Just need to know of anyone else has experience these things and what did you do about it. This isn’t my first pregnancy but once again I have never experienced this before. Please help!