Boyfriend with Low T

We’ve been dating for a little under a year now, and he is WONDERFUL! Seriously the most amazing man I’ve ever been with. So thoughtful and helpful and kind, never mind smart, funny, and so handsome.

The first few months we were together, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. And then it just sort of fizzled. I thought at first it was me... I’m in school and was stressed with finals, and I know I gained a bit of weight... I just thought he wasn’t really attracted to me. But I got the weight off and school ended for the summer, and still nothing. Well, I brought it up to him only to find out that he has low testosterone. When we first met, he was getting T injections, but had a major medical procedure shortly after our first date, so he paused T treatments.

So everything he’s doing can be logically explained. The low sex drive, the disinterest, the general lack of intimacy... all of it makes sense. But I am still a mess.

To be clear, it’s not the lack of sex that’s bothering me... it’s the feeling of not being attractive/desirable/sexy enough. I feel like I’m losing this wonderful man and I can’t seem to figure out what to do to make him happy.

Can anyone else relate?