today’s my 21st 🤰🏼🔥😖😭

lo • 👶🏼♥️✨👼🏼

so i’m about 35 weeks pregnant, and today I turned 21! which i’m not upset about not getting trashed. I’m upset that I couldn’t do anything and was uncomfortable allllll day. It was SO fucking hot. NO A/C in my car.. lol so i swelled up like a frikken balloon. my best friend lives 4 hours away, and my other friend bailed on me and it’s my first birthday in 10 years that she didn’t see me.. She chose her girlfriend over me 😭🙄. I woke up so early today and went to a lactation appointment/consultation which was pretty cool. I sat at the DMV for 2 hours waiting to renew my license. had nothing to do for 2 hours after the DMV and waited for my baby’s mattress to be ready for pick up (i ordered a mattress from they were out of stock everywhere)

I guess this is a rant but i’m literally exhausted, frustrated and OVER BEING PREGNANT. thanks for reading!