Help!!!! I am 95% sure I just broke my ankle!!!

Michaela • Married to my best friend and love of my life. Angel babies (3-22-18)(6-10-18). Rainbow baby Girl born 3-11-19!!🌈💕

So I just found out 4 days early that I’m pregnant! I’ve had 2 chemicals since March. My last chemical was 3 weeks ago. I lost them due to low progesterone, 1.5. With this baby I’m on progesterone supplements and my progesterone is now 17!

Tonight I was playing with my sibling in laws (all younger) and I was running and a kid ran right into me! So I did this leaping step to the side to try to not take him out and my ankle rolled, and i put all my weight down on it (mine you-while running still) and my ankle made the worst cracking sounds in the world and I immediately dropped in immense pain! I started to cry and I’m home for tonight waiting for the emergency orthopedic to open in the morning.

My questions are,

has anyone else been pregnant and broke anything?

Was the baby ok?

Does this sound like a break to you?

I’m not going to take any kind of medication like Tylenol or anything, so I am experiencing some immense pain.

I’m terrified that if my body is going into shock that I could lose this baby as well. I’m only 3 weeks and 3 days and am praying this little sweet one stays 💗