After first time


I had sex for the first time this weekend and since I really don’t have anyone to talk to about this, I’m asking your girls.

1) we’ve done it about 5 times in total, is it normal for me to feel like he’s entering me for the first time every single time (The first few pushes)

2) I wiped and had some blood, I was like, oh, great, my period, I’m not pregnant. But it was my period. Does it usually happen? Random bleeding?

3) I have this white-yellowish discharge.. is that ok?

4) how do I know I’m close to orgasming? Or rather how do I know I’ve orgasmed.

5) is it okay to feel the need to pee during sex?

6) how many rounds is too many? 😁😂

That’s it for now 😅😅