So confused...


I had my surgery yesterday to hopefully clear my tubes so I could get pregnant. I had the HSG done months ago and the specialist said that both tubes were blocked, the dye went nowhere. So next was to see the RE about options to unblock. He didn't write in the notes where they were blocked(whole tubes, by the opening or at the bottom where the ovaries are). So the RE said he would have to look when he puts me under for surgery because he had no clue where the blockages were and it's actually easier to do them when you're asleep and body is completely relaxed. So, had the surgery yesterday, the cut me in two spots, right by my bellybutton and the other just above my vagina. So I'm a little sore but not too terrible. At my checkup to be released back to work he said he will show me the pictures he took because my tubes are fine. No blockages. He said it was a spasm that made them close at the HSG. So next step is to have my husband's sperm tested to see if his count is low or shooting blanks. I was hoping that they weren't actually blocked because I had a healthy pregnancy back in 2011 and we want a baby so bad. My biggest fear was that the tubes would be so damaged that they would have to remove them. Has this happened to any of you ladies? I'm kinda pissed that I got cut up for nothing but at least now I know that my tubes are fine.