pretty sure i'm having another chemical.. 😖😭

i've been ttc with my fiancé for nearly a year.. and i know so many have been trying 10x longer than me.

but i can't take it anymore, i cannot take seeing everyone else get pregnant, get their positive and even some people i know who will have sex unprotected ALL the time and has already had 3 abortions.... and she doesn't even care... throwing life away like nothing😭

and i'm not against abortions! but it kills that she just says 'the pill makes me fat and spotty and i hate the way condoms feel' like there's so many other options?!?!? she just keeps taking the morning after pill or riking it then getting an abortion....😭😭

this month i got the strongest faint line i have ever had.... it was 100% positive and definitely pink.... (ive had 2 chemicals in the past) and i was so excited.... it even started to get darker.... well 2 days later and i've tested again (just now in the evening) and nothing. big fat negative. and i'm still 4 days late now..

i'm not even bleeding so whatever has happened in there is still there. it's breaking my heart. i feel like curling up and crying for about 2 days.....

sorry if this isn't supposed to be in this group.. i just dont know where else to post...

i'm a wedding planner... and today i had to talk to a bride who was cursing at the fact she had to move her wedding because she fell pregnant and how 'inconvenient' the. any was to her...


i guess i'm just looking for some kind words or advice on how to cope with this...

thank you ladies... 😞