

My husband and I have been trying to conceive since 2016. In 2017 I was diagnosed with fibroids after not having a period for 3 months then bleeding for 40 days straight. I had surgery to remove the uterine fibroids is June of 2017. My periods return to normal for about 5 months then then they stopped again, had a 14 day period almost 2 months ago and I’ve been spotting ever since! I have another appointment this month to see if the fibroids are back! I’ve been so devastated by this entire situation. I know I definitely should lose some weight, and I’ve also been thinking about going vegan, because I’ve heard stories that woman who’ve has similar situations have had their fibroids go away naturally and were able to conceive after adopting a vegan diet! Just needed a place to vent. I’m overwhelmed, and in a lot of cases feel so alone. Just grateful for a community for woman who can relate in some capacity.