I didn't think it'd be like this

I found out I had PCOS after I got engaged (perfect timing). After 3 years of unprotected sex, too much money on FRER tests before I even got to my expected AF day, and so much dual disappointment on my husband's face each month I decided not to put any effort in and not to take any tests early! and even if I was late, I'd keep it to myself because I didn't want to see my husband's sad face anymore. when I gave up hope, I tested at 8 days late and it was positive!!! no meds, no OPKs, just us ❤️. our son is now 3 and we're ready for another. got my mirena out June 4th, had a period 3 days later which I was told is a good sign of fertility. I just knew I wouldn't be overly excited and anxious this time, but I am! started testing early (9 DPO) because I've been having all these symptoms! nausea, heartburn, bloating, mood swings, super sore boobs, and extreme fatigue. even think I had implantation bleeding the other night. period due today (if my cycles are going to be regular) and nothing. but tests are negative. and I'm mad at myself for being upset. this is only the first month off of birth control and I don't honestly know if my period would start today because I don't know what my new cycle will be like. so why am I upset?! uhhh