Friend vs bf: priorities


So basically my friend has a boyfriend and of course I'm fine with that. She hangs out with him all the time and she's always allowed to hang out with him everyday which I think is fine. This is also her first relationship so keep that in mind. So she's been hanging out with him a lot but me and my friend wanted to hang out with her since we never do and we wanted to get closer this summer as a group. She said no bc she had plans with her bf. We said it was fine and then asked another few times and she also said no bc of him. In a few arguments we've had she's always told us we are ignoring her but we have tried multiple times to hang out. And then one time she asked if we can hang out but it sounded sketchy so I asked her if her and her bf were in an argument and she said yeah. I was convinced she only wanted to hang out bc of that and idk it kinda sucked feeling like backup especially bc I've always been there for her when she's crying about her bf bc he's lowkey a dick to her. And she's never

really been there that much for me. So we got in an argument about it and she admitted to us being backup. So I feel really hurt bc we've been friends for so long and i don't just wanna end thing but idk what to do. I've already tried talking to her about it but she still doesn't see what's wrong. What should I do.