should I try to make it work or move on?


so basically my boyfriend of 8 months broke up with me. i had like him for years beforehand, and we were perfect for eachother. we like the same music, the same food, the same things, the same movies, the same games, hell we even dress the same. we had a decent relationship, yeah we fought often but it wasn't bad fighting, we were always respectful it is just that we are both very prideful people. the stress of school always seemed to hurt us because we were fine before school got stressful so I feel like we are really good together when life doesn't put stress on our relationship. he had broken up with me many times before but I always have him a chance to take it back and he would every time within seconds. this breakup wasn't any different, except he didn't want to take it back. I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't for a while. I finally got him to talk to me and we talked it out and came to the conclusion that we would try again once school was over, but we never did. I kept asking and he told me he wasn't sure, then that he didn't want to ruin out friendship, then that he was completely over me. he also couldn't give me a reason for breaking up with me, he just said he can't explain it. I am trying to move on but it has been hard since he is the only one that is there to listen to me. should I try to make it work or just get over it and how do I get over it while still being friends?