Hurtful jokes

Ive had type 1 diabetes for 15 years. I handle that shit myself, the day to day living with it. It’s a battle both physically and mentally.

Whenever I see someone making a diabetes joke, like “omggg look how much I ate, I’m gonna get diabetes” or “I can’t have any more cake or I’m gonna get diabeetus” etc, I scroll past it, but it gets to me. Diabetes is not a joke. It’s a serious potentially life-threatening disease that not only has a hand in your everyday life and physical health but also your mental health. If people even knew what ONE day with diabetes was like (sticking yourself with needles big and small, drawing your blood to check your blood sugar several times a day, feeling dizzy or nauseous or spontaneously thirsty or like you can’t breathe, losing sleep in the night because of a high or low, the risk of going into diabetic ketoacidosis or a diabetic coma, worrying about the function of your organs, carefully monitoring and adjusting for everything you eat and drink, on top of the funny stares from strangers in public, and that’s just if you don’t have any complications), they’d stop using it as a bad joke about their food habits. It’s not cute, it’s not funny, and it’s really hurtful. Making jokes about someone’s permanent (at least for type 1s) physical disease is wrong, especially when the person making the joke gets to move on and not deal with the actual disease itself. Not to mention the ignorance with which some of the jokes are made. I don’t at all expect everyone to know everything about diabetes, but I expect people to not turn it into a joke to laugh at and mock.

Okay, rant over. Enjoy your night 🤗