I need help. any advice on moving out?


I'm going through a difficult transition at the moment. I should give you a condensed backstory about the situation. I live in Canada right now but I'm moving back to California. I have family there and people that I know and love but the problem is, I have a blended family. My parents in the states aren't happy about me moving back because I don't live their cookie cutter lifestyle. I understand where they are coming from but it has gotten so bad that they don't want me to live with them. I mean I'm at the age where it's time to move out but it's hard because I am moving with no money to my name. On top of that, my parents treat me like a dumb kid. they have always treated me like the black sheep in the family. I never fit in and I could never live up to their expectations. I do need to grow up in some aspects of my life but it's difficult when your family wants you to live a life according to their ideals. Any advice on the topic of moving out would be greatly appreciated. thank you so much!

- Brielle