Baby Maddox is here!!


Mom and Dad

July 3rd at 12:08 am • 7lbs 9oz • 20 1/4in long •

2 days old

4 days old

Alittle about my labor and delivery // I went in the morning of July 2nd at 39w2d to be induced because my little boy had a two vessel umbilical cord (which came to find out the problem ended up just being isolated to his cord, barely - if any - did it affect his growth!!)

I was induced at 10am and had him at 8min past midnight on the 3rd - 14 hours later w 2 hours of pushing Maddox Wayne entered the world😍😍❤️❤️

Little man’s head wouldn’t pop up over a bone and my epidural worked so well that knowing where to push was an issue. I pushed for 2 hours before he finally came out but I didn’t feel a single pain!🙌🏻 I came out with only 1 stitch and docs exact words were “if you would’ve had this tear on your knee your mom would’ve put a band aid over it and told you to go back and play’”❤️😂 the absolute littlest thing and I couldn’t be more proud to say that my body pushed out a 7lbs 9oz beautiful baby boy!!☺️☺️☺️